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July 2017

City of Johnston asking for input on parking restrictions along Ashton Drive

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July 16, 2017

Residents along Ashton Drive:

The City has received concerns regarding traffic and parking issues that may occur on Ashton Drive, and possibly other streets, once the new high school opens in late August.

The school district reports there are 1,000 to 1,200 parking spaces at the new high school. In comparison, at the old high school there were 1,000 requests for student parking and the school issued 800 permits for parking spaces. There has been some concern that students may perceive parking along public streets, such as Ashton Drive, may be more convenient or there may be a need for overflow parking on public streets during large events such as football games, concerts, etc.

Currently there are no parking restrictions along Ashton Drive which means parking is allowed on both sides of the streets. Typically if the city restricts parking on an east/west street, parking is prohibited on the north side of the street. This makes sense along Ashton Drive since the mailboxes are located on the north side of the street and if parking is prohibited on the north side, situations where cars park in front of mail boxes could be avoided.

The purpose of this email is to obtain neighborhood feedback regarding whether or not to restrict parking along Ashton Drive. In thinking about parking restrictions, there are several alternatives. The options include:

  1. Do not restrict parking along Ashton Drive;
  2. Prohibit parking on both sides of Ashton Drive;
  3. Prohibit parking on one side of the street (north or south side);
  4. Prohibit parking for a designated period. For example, designate no parking from 8:00 am to 5:00 pm, Monday through Friday.

Please consider these alternatives and let us know your thoughts. Please submit your feedback by Monday, July 31st to any of the following emails:

Jim Sanders, City Administrator –

Tim Peltzer,

Andrea HoDapp,

After receiving feedback from the neighborhood, we plan to have this issue on the agenda for the August 7th City Council work session or city council meeting for discussion and possible action.

I would like to thank Tim Peltzer and Andrea HoDapp for bringing this issue to our attention and their willingness to assist in getting feedback from the neighborhood.

Jim Sanders, City Administrator